Hashtag Print

Instagram Printing

Hashtag Print

Instagram printing set up

Hashtag Print

Live feed of Instagram photos

Instagram Printing

A monitor to display the photos

Hashtag Print

Instagram Printing

Hashtag Print

Customized design on the printout


Instagram Printing

Increase Social Media Awareness for your Brand

Achieve both offline and online marketing right at your event! Get online communication from the guests that are already present at your event, therefore creating free publicity and reaching their own network. Strengthen your brand with your specific hashtag and it's the easiest, most organic way to promote a hashtag and spread the word about your company, marketing campaign or product launch. What's more the guests get to bring home their photo printout with your customized branding on it!


Great for weddings too !

Everyone is your photographer

Your guests will be roaming around and taking pictures anywhere and in their own free time. Optional to top-up for Wats App printing.


Instagram Printing

1 22" Full-HD Touchscreen Monitor
1 On-site Technician
1 Photo Distributor ( optional )
Customized print design to be on the printout.
Envelopes / Plastic Sheets
Unlimited Prints
All soft copies returned after event

* On-site technician is to be stationed at the printing station to assist the guests.
* Extra manpower can be hired if require personnel to roam over the venue and encourage people to take photos.

* Wats App printing service is also available.